Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bathroom 2

Dear RSB,

           Today I would again like to post about your disgusting bathroom habits. The toilet again is ment to be flushed. I was having a wonderful morning until I went into the bathroom and saw your shit floating in the bowl for the hundredth time. Your eighteen flush the god dam toilet. Then you come and talk to me where your main defence is that I have only told you one time before this and your step dad has told you a hell of a lot more. Well your just helping my case because that means you have been told so many times. Second on my agenda I'm pretty sure that the soap falls apart at the touch of your disgustingness because whenever you shower the soap is falls off the bar in strips. By the way get your hair off our soap when your done.

Thanks for not listening

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Dear RSB,
       Today while I was flipping you off it wasn't a joke I actually don't like you and I am actually saying fuck you ass whole with that finger. B T dubs I hope you get a job soon because if don't your dads making you join the national guard and they will kill you there. Then you will be sent back with a dishonorable discharge and you will just have to get a job again.

Thanks for not listening 

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Dear RSB,
           I'm sorry RSB (I'm not really) but things that I say are funny because I say them and people understand why I'm saying them. But when you take the things I've said stealing my jokes, its not funny I know your to stupid to realize this but when people laugh it because they don't want to make you feel bad. Nothing you say is funny most of it is just hurtful and mean. So please quit trying to be funny.

Thanks for not listening.

P.S. If you go bi-polar one more time and then say oh I was just kidding I will just kiddingly stab you with a steak knife.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Dear RSB,
        I'm sorry that my She like's me more than you. Don't be a little bitch and maybe She would invite you to come with us too. Don't make snide comments about how your stronger than her future husband (my brother). Because I don't know if you know this... you're not. You're a skinny skronny weakling and MY ten year old little sister could beat your ass.

Thanks for not listening.

P.S. It's my brother in Iraq not yours so you should just calm yourself and he isn't talking to you because he doesn't want to just like the rest of us.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Dear RSB,
       I know that you have no friends because you got into a fight with your step dad and was forced to move to layton into my house. But I would appreciate it if you would not try to latch onto my friends. The last thing they need right now is someone like you to yell at them.
Thanks for not listening

Friday, July 29, 2011


Dear RSB,
               Really I know I happen to snore but tearing through all your shit at six a.m. looking for noise canceling head phones seems like a little much. Thanks for waking me up and making me feel like a freak. I think your over reacting though considering there are two other people in this room that are sleeping just fine with my snoring.

p.s. you snore as well.
Thanks for not listening.


Dear RSB,
      I know your ear's are infected and they hurt but it's your own dame fault. You can't expect them to be healthy when you gauge up twice in one week and never clean them. P.S. if i see another object covered in blood and infection on my counter it's going in your mouth fair warning I posted it.
Thanks for not listening

P.P.S. All the posts from here down are just what he's done in one day.